Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0
After a few weeks of testing builds, ironing out the final issues, doing the release builds and running the actual release votes, I'm very glad to be able to send the announcement mails for two new Apache ServiceMix releases to our mailing lists today.
Highlights in the new Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0 release include:
- new packaging options (cfr. my previous blog post)
- upgrade to Apache ActiveMQ 5.5.1
- upgrade to Apache Camel 2.8.3
- upgrade to Apache CXF 2.4.4
- upgrade to Apache Karaf 2.2.4
As part of this release cycle, we also did a new Apache ServiceMix 3.4.0 release, which delivers the same dependency upgrades to our existing 3.x user base
Together with this release, we also switched to using Scalate for the main website as well as the documentation pages. With these new pages, we aim to make it easier for people to get started with Apache ServiceMix and all the other projects we embed.